After receiving a BS in Biological Sciences and BA in Environmental Studies from UCSB, I began my environmental career as a photojournalist. Though I returned to research after freelancing for seven years, I continued developing this aspect of my work as a communicator and educator via a broad and diverse approach to conservation communication. This approach has included photography, filmmaking, writing, and even hosting a documentary that aired on the National Geographic Channel! As someone who returned to research after my beginnings as a photojournaIist, I firmly believe that we need to utilize all modes of media and forms of communication to share stories about our planet that can affirm our connection to it and each other.
Conservation Stories
Seychelles Conservation
Uganda Conservation (east africa?)
Primates of Uganda
Walking the watershed
Mangrove Keepers
Aquarium Trade
Sea Nomads in Transition
Invited Talks
Duke Women’s Weekend 2023
Commercial & TV Appearances
The Last Drop Documentary
Promotional Spot on National Geographic Channel
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